On Tuesday 20 people from Carlton School went to interschool cross country. We competed against all the primary school in Wanganui. I found it very hard because it was long and the course had lots of hills. Bilal did very well because he came 18th.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Food for Thought
Today we went to the hall with Room 4 for our second food for thought lesson. We weretaught how to read the nutritional information and packaging. We learnt about the 10, 10, 400 rule. To be healthy it must have kess than 10g of fat 10g of sugar and 400mg of sodium. After looking at labels we were given a challenge, to sort the drinks into order with what we thought had the most sugar to the least. We got the most and least right but we got the rest all muddled up. Nobody realised just how much sugar is in just juice!

Monday, August 30, 2010
School Repaint
Food for Thought
Today we started a week long programme called "food for thought". Today we had a nutrionist come to school to teach us all about the different food groups and the food pyramid. We looked at all the good things healthy food gives our body. Tomorrow we will be learning how to read food labels and then on Thursday we are going to visit a supermarket. It should be fun.

Friday, August 27, 2010
Congraluations TeKaha. He was lucky to have his chance card pulled out at today's assembly. He choose a little stress man for his prize. Well done. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations Treyzhan. He was given a Fitzherbet Bakery voucher for his excellent hockey playing. Keep up the positive attitude and hard work.

Congratulations Treyzhan. He was given a Fitzherbet Bakery voucher for his excellent hockey playing. Keep up the positive attitude and hard work.

Daffodil Day
Today was Daffodil Day. Everyone was encourage to dress up in yellow. Some classes even made hats to wear. Our whole school spent the week collecting money to donate to the cancer society. We invited them to our school assembly so we could give them our donations. The juniors presented theirs in different ways. The senior school spelled Daffodil Day with coins. We raised over $300 for them.

Buddy Class
On Friday's we always visit our buddy class Room 1. Mrs Larsen and Mrs Steedman decided to make our time together longer so we can do more fun things together. Today we started creating a piece of art work together for daffodil day. First we painted our background green and blue for the grass and sky. If we finished that in time we started to draw outlines of buildings on black paper for the cities skyline. Next week we will cut our skylines out and make some daffodils out of yellow paper. Then we should be ready to piece it all together. Watch this space to view our finished products.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Duffy Show
Today we had the Duffy Theatre Show. The show was about Duffy on an adventure to discover what he can be when he grows up. He found out the if he keeps on reading he can be anything!
Salaka Drumming Show
Today we had a saw a performace called Salaka Drumming Show. Salaka means sharing in Ghana. 2 men came and performed lots of drumming, singing and dancing. They had 3 big drums which they showed us how to play and told us what they were made with. One was antelope skin, one was sheep skin and one was cow skin. Some people in the school got to have a turn on them. DJ was lucky to play one. They also got some people up to dance to the beat of the drum. They even got all of the adults to dance for us. They also had lots of little drums everyone in the school got to have a go, even the teachers. It was an amazing show. We were very lucky to have them come to our school.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Visting Room 12
Today we went back to Room 12. First we watched the video postcard our buddy class from Australia sent us. We thought Room 12 would like to watch it because that is where their new class mate Koko the Koala comes from.

After we watched the video we started our art. Today we painted! We helped our buddy to paint the ouline they craeted last week. They painted their face and neck one colour, their t.shirts another colour and their background a different colour again. Next week we will help them add extra materials like wool, pipe cleaners, feathers, material etc for their facial features.

After we watched the video we started our art. Today we painted! We helped our buddy to paint the ouline they craeted last week. They painted their face and neck one colour, their t.shirts another colour and their background a different colour again. Next week we will help them add extra materials like wool, pipe cleaners, feathers, material etc for their facial features.
At Carlton we had a flood in Room 5, Room 6 and Room 7. It happened on Monday night when it rained and rained and rained and wouldn't stop. WHAT A DISASTER! Room 6 have moved their stuff into the hall. Room 7 have moved their stuff into the library. Room 5 stayed in their room because it's only bad at the front of their class. Now the rooms are empty we are trying it dry them out.

The Fire Brigade
Today the Fire Brigade came to our school to unblock the rubbish and mud from our drains so our school doesn't flood again. First they got their big hose and put it in the drain. Then they turned the hose on and all the water went in the drain until it overflowed with rubbish and water. Some people got so wet they had to go over to the office to ring their parents to bring some clothes. I reckon it was worth it because the drains are now unblocked.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Our Fantastic Sign
Mothball's Adventure around Wanganui
It was Mothball’s first weekend in Wanganui so I decided to show him around the Big Smoke. Mothball visited all the sights Wanganui has to offer. First we went to Virginia Lake. Mothball was surprised how many ducks lived there. He figured the ducks must love hanging out with Peter Pan. I also took Mothball to the bird aviary. He got a huge fright when the parrot said hello. He didn’t realise they could talk. The parrots were very friendly. After the lake I took Mothball to the St Johns hill lookout where you can see most of the town. Next we went to go visit the Lion at the Memorial Hall. The lion is part of a memorial monument for the Soldiers. After visiting the lion we went to Kowhai Park. Everyone in Wanganui just loves Kowhai Park. At the Park Mothball got to meet Fred Flintstone. He also nearly got eaten by a whale, had a turn on the swing and sea saw. What a great experience! Mothball’s last stop was the Durie Hill Tower. At first Mothball was a little scared being so high up but after seeing the view his fears soon flew away. He thought Wanganui was a beautiful town. Mothball really enjoyed his first weekend in Wanganui.
Cross Country
Today all of our hard work paid off. It was the school Cross Country. Some of the boys went down to the Gonville Domain early to help Mrs Larsen and Mrs Steedman set up the running track. It was very wet and muddy for the senior but that didn't stop most of them from trying extremely hard. Congratulations Boys! I look forward to taking some of you to interschool next week.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Awesome websites
A while ago Mrs Larsen introducted us to 2 new web sites, Hero factory and Build Your Own Wildself. We had time to play around and create some awesome characters. Click on the links below to have a go yourself.
Hero Factory
Build your own wildself

Hero Factory
Build your own wildself

Jump Jam
This term we have been doing Jump Jam every morning. Jump Jam is fitness/dance. We have 3 Jump Jam videos. We will be working through all of them over the term. Today Mrs Larsen took a video of a couple of the routines. How do we look?
Paper planes with Mrs Bennett
On Thursday the boys lunch time group made paper planes with Mrs Bennett. Mrs Bennett showed us a book that had lot of different types of jet planes to make. We wanted to see whose plane could fly all the way across the hall. Treyzhan made a plane that kept doing flips. Jahzia had a plane that could keep spinning around. The one i did was a jet plane and when I flew the plane lightly it went right across the hall. I think Shannon's plane was probably the best.
Raffle Tickets
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Mothball's First Day
Today was Mothball's first day at Carlton School. Here are some of the fun things he learned.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Our new classmate Mothball
Today after lunch we, Room 14, got a package from our buddy class in Australia. Mrs Larsen opened up the package and described what she saw as a furry, brown fluff ball. It was a wombat! At first we didn't know if it was a boy or girl, but the wombats name is Mothball, so that answers that question. Our travel buddies also sent us a cool book called Wombat Stew, a DVD about Australia Wildlife and a profile of each student. We took lots of photos of mothball. We had a class photo and we put him on our plant and then our teacher took a photo of him with all his things he came with. Then we took him to Room 12 to introduce him to them and their travel buddy Koko who is also from Australia. We think Mothball is going to enjoy his time in our class.

Room 14's Writing Displays
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