I found another great slide show programme that we can have music on, so I thought I would try it out with our KiwiGolf photos from last term. What do you think?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Discovery time
It was an extraodinary day when our all boys class found out we were going to be having our very first Discovery Time. The theme was Dinosaurs. We had five, fantastic, fun activities to choose from. The activity I choose to do was to create our own species of Dinosaur. I took ideas from Avatar and other dinosaurs to create my own. It's not finished yet but when I finish it, I will put a picture of it on the blog.
By Jonathan
By Jonathan
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Amazing Plant Art
We have been observationally drawing our plant, that lives in the corner of our classroom. When we observationally draw we need to remember to look carefully at the object we are drawing instead of our paper. We need to draw lots of detail and shade in our work. Some of the class members thought it was hard, but i thought it was a piece of cake.

At Carlton School we recycle our paper. Every class and office has their own recycling bin. Our classroom is in charge of emptying everyones recycling bins every morning. Emptying the recycling bins is one of my class jobs. We have split the school into three areas the juniors, seniors and offices. We take turns emptying bins in the different areas. Today i emptied the offices.
By Matthew
By Matthew
Strips of Aotearoa
We made drawings of where we were born. First we drew the background with pencil, showing features of where we were from. After that we coloured them in with crayon. We made a border using crayon and dye. We put our background on a black piece of paper and then put that onto our border. We inidan inked a person and glued it onto the picture. We also drew a house on the computer in revalation art. We printed in and glued that onto our picture. Here is what they look like.

Carlton Schools New Hard Working Caretaker
At Carlton School we have a new caretaker. His name is Mr McPhun. Our old caretaker was Mr King. Mr McPhun is a very kind a caring caretaker. He always smiles when you say hello. Mr McPhun is a very hard working man. Mr McPhun is very interested in sport and is going to be taking Rippa Rugby. We can't wait!

Room 14 observationaly drew our shoes. First we did a rubbing of the soles of our shoes using crayon. We then dyed our pieces of paper. Next we did a pencil rubbing of our shoes on a smaller piece of paper. Then we did a draft copy of our shoes in our art draft book. Once we were happy, we observationally drew our shoe on the paper with the pencil rubbings. When then glued that sheet onto our crayoned sheet. Check out our shoes.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wordle Art
Look at this exciting programme Mrs Robertson showed me. All you do is enter the words you want to include, click go and it creates this awesome piece of art. Check it out I created one using all the names of people in our class. I bet we could use it for lots of things. Go to the site and have a play.
Click here for worlde.net
Click here for worlde.net

Posting a Great Comment
We are getting really clever at adding posts onto our blog and a lot of classes at school have created their own blog. So it would be nice if we could have time to check out all the class blogs and even post comments on them. So to help everyone out I have found a poster which shows us how to post great comments. In Room 14 everyone is going to have an opportunity to post comments on blogs we follow.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Spelling City
Pay It Forward
In Room 14 we have been learning about pay it forward and what it means. First Mrs Larsen showed parts of the movie to understand the meaning of pay it foward. Next we did a brain storm about how we can pay it foward. Here are some of our ideas.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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