Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Our Present!

Today Joshua and Kahu waked in with a present from Mr Petersen, a chrysalis. He found it and thought we might like to have it in the class and see what happens. Kahu thinks there is a white butterfly inside, what do you think?

Below is a you Tube clip to show the life cycle from Caterpillar to Butterfly. Very interesting!


  1. Hope you are there when it hatches- It grew very closely to a Swan plant...Does anyone know what kinds of insects like those??? from someone who knows...

  2. I hope it is a white butterfly, and I hope we are there when it hatches.

  3. I think it's going to be a white butterfly. I wonder when it is going to hatch.

  4. I had no idea that they shed their skin and basically become a larva again.

  5. I hope it is not a white butterfly because they eat plants. I hope it is a Monarch because they don't eat plants. The butterfly is about to hatch so I hope I'm here to watch.

  6. The butterfly is a monarch no doubt about it. Now I would really like to watch it hatch out of there. =)

  7. We have one at home about to hatch- perhaps a cousin or brother of your one? Did yours emerge yet?

    1. Unfortunately no. We think it has died or something. It wasn't looking to good then it dropped off the branch :(

    2. Aw, boo hoo- ours hopefully is still hanging on!
