Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Open Morning

Today Pou Herenga Toru held an open morning. It was great to see so many parents come and see what we get up to in the senior school. The boys loved showing their families the slideshow we created, their work around the classroom and work on their computers. We sang a few songs for them too. What a great morning. Thank you to all the parents who came

Our Slide Show

Friday, March 23, 2018

Survival Skills In The Pool

Over the last few weeks we have been learning survival skills in the school pool. We can scull on our backs head and feet first. When going down a river we know that feet first is safer so we can see where we are going and we don't bump our heads.  While keeping our chin on the top of the water we can keep our feet up and move our arms to keep us a float.  We really enjoy making lots of waves and trying to 'survive' while swimming a length without touching the bottom.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Green Pastures Camp

On Monday and Tuesday we went out to Green Pastures for our beginning of the year camp. We had so much fun. We got to experience archery, raft making, kayaking, bivouac building, air riffles, horizontal bungy and of course the famous mud run. It was such a fantastic 2 days. Thank you so much to all of the parents who helped out and made this possible.

Swimming Sports

Last week we went to WIS to use their pool to have our own school swimming sports. There were lots of races, flutter board kick, freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. All of us tried really hard and a few of the boys won there races. Some students even had a race against Whaea Jordy. Well done everyone and good luck for interschool.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Nga Tuakana

We are so lucky to have 5 Nga Tuakana in our class. They will be busy throughout the year with their new responsibilities pastoral care, community, sport and head of school. Congratulations everyone!

Friday, March 2, 2018

What are we making?

We have been mixing different ingredients together to see what happens. Predicting on how they will react and wondering why this happens? Here we are combining cornflour and water together. Some of our wonderings are ... I wonder what cornflour is made of? I wonder why it is hard to pick up? I wonder why it changes from a solid to a liquid? I wonder why it bounced on carpet when it dripped off my hands?