Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today we went to the Wanganui Boys and Girls Gym Club for our first gym session. We enjoyed a few games of Seaweed for a warm up. We then practiced jumping and landing correctly. After that we were able to go on all of the equipment. we loved jumping on the tramp, the air track and into the foam pit. We were really lucky because we got 10 minutes free time at the end. We had a great time.


  1. WOW! This was really fun going to the gym because there was a trampoline and a fun pit.

  2. Wow that was real fun when we got to jump in the foam pit and on the trampoline.

  3. Wow that was real fun when we got to jump in the foam pit and on the trampoline.

  4. Wow that was real fun when we got to jump in the foam pit and on the trampoline.

  5. Wow room 15 that is that a good exserize for you guys.

  6. what website do you go on to do that
