Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gymnastics - Session Two

Today we went back to the Wanganui Boys and Girls Gym Club for our second session. Today we focused on forward rolls. We soon learnt if you don't keep your arms straight you roll wonky! Also if you don't curve you back and roll, you can get a very sore back after a while from smacking the ground. We enjoyed jumping over the ropes for our warm up and playing with the parachute for our cool down.


  1. WOW going to the gym for the second time, we did a lot of more fun things. The best part was when we went under the parachute.

  2. That was great at the GYM for the second time, we did a lot more fun things than last time.

  3. When we went to the GYM for the second time we were having so much fun. I double foreword flipped and I landed on my head. Luckily it was in the pit. When we did the parachute it was the best.
