Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gymnastics - Session Three

Today we went to the gym for our third session. This time we focused on keeping our bodies tight when completing gymnastics moves. We also spent some time learning how to do a hand stand and head stand. We all got to have some time rotating around the equipment to practice our new skills. We were really lucky because again at the end our instructor gave us 10 minutes free time on the equipment. Most of us went straight to the pit and started to have a foam fight. We all tried really hard to push Mrs Larsen in but she was just to strong for us. Maybe next time! At the very end of the session we were shown how to make a human pyramid. We had to have a few goes at it but we got it in the end.


  1. That was a good idea room 15. That was a cool song too. I wish I could have been in the race. I hope it was fun room 15!

  2. Nice working out at the gym room 15! It looks good. I wish I was there!
