Saturday, August 29, 2020

Carlton School Cross Country

We had a successful day at Rutherford Intermediate for our over 8 year olds Carlton School Cross Country. Unfortunately due to Level 2 restrictions we were unable to have our friends and family there to support us.  We took lots of photos for them to see us running and have got that link on our Carlton School website. Click here for photos.

Here are just some of the photos of us running. Congratulations to the members of our class that came in the top ten in their race.

8 Year old Boys

1st - Eli Andrews

2nd - Khan Nugent

4th - Ashton Harvey

7th - Erueti Beckham

9 Year old Boys

3rd - Kahukura Findlay

4th - Nate Ward Collins

9th - Giacon Schwamm

10th - Ra Hina

10+ Year Old Boys

1st - Travis Andrews

2nd - Lincon Wilson

3rd - Caleb Pryce

5th - Brydon Wason

6th - Iosua Tyrell

8th - Karel Harris

9th - Haami Rowe

10th - Khadyn Williams